The school was established on 02-02-78 under a Mukute Tree with an enrolment of 355 pupils and 8 teachers. It was established to facilitate the educational needs of the children in the surrounding villages and Tangwena Rusape evicts who had been resettled in Tsanzaguru. Some of these children were walking a total distance of 28 km per day in order to attend school at Vengere Primary and St Joseph’s Primary while others had dropped out of school. The suburb was constructed for government workers who were no longer welcome in their rural areas during the liberation war. The founding headmaster was Mr Mukosora. It opened doors for its first constructed blocks in 1978. Due to an increase in enrolment, the hot sitting started then in 1979 through to independence.
It is a peri-urban school that has seen an increase in enrolment due to newly constructed residential houses. We have an enrolment currently standing at 1600 students. In 2019, the pass rate was 95.71% and in 2020 dropped to 81.92% due to COVID 19 induced lockdown.
An increase in enrolment has caused a huge shortage of classrooms, ablution facilities and furniture. We have the plan to complete the 2 classroom block and construct a toilet flush system to help improve the well-being of our learners. The following are some of the projects we need assistance with.
This is good